Thursday, September 18, 2008


Today I had the opportunity to run in the Autumn Chase with my nephew Nate! It was so much fun! This was my first time to go with him and I had no idea what I was about to experience. As we drove to the race, he told me that he wanted to run fast enough to win a trophy. He told me that only the top 3 runners get a trophy and he has placed in the top 4 every year since Kindergarten. No pressure, huh? We registered once we got there and then watched some of the other races. When it was his turn to race, we stepped up to the line and waited for the word go! Once it was time to run, he was gone! I could not see him until he was rounding the first corner and he was already in first place! Turn after turn, I could see him effortlessly running along with a race volunteer! I knew first place was his! Nate ran a 6 minute 49 second mile and won the race! Words can't express how proud I am of him! ;-)

PS. Yes, I did cross the finish was just 3 minutes later than Nate! ;-) It is the fastest mile I have ever run! I must have been the adrenaline of trying to keep up with Nate! I should have him run every race with me!

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