I finally decided to start trying to loose my last 15 pounds of baby weight about three weeks ago! A team of my close friends at work and I are all trying to loose weight together and it has been great to have their support! I could not have done as well as I have without them! I so happy to say that I have already lost 11 pounds!!! Wonderful news, huh? I was feeling pretty successful in my quest...until Saturday when Matt tells me he thinks our scale is wrong! I asked him to weigh himself at the gym and then at our scale at home and we would figure the difference. He found that our scale is off by not 1, not 2, but 10 pounds! Great! Now I am pretty much back to the weight I started at, but I am choosing to look at it as a blessing because I think God knew I would have been discouraged if I thought I had 20+ to loose in the beginning! ;-) It is time for me to shoot for the last 10 pounds of baby weight....take two!
I also wanted to tell you a couple of Riley stories! He is so much fun these days! Every day he does something I want to blog about, but he is treating me like I am an annoying paparazzi when i try to take a picture to post with the stories! There are no good pics for these events, but you will just have to create a mental picture. ;-)
Anyone who goes shopping anywhere with me knows that I make friends where ever I go! I love to talk to everyone! Well, I think little Riley is following in my footsteps! When I took him to Publix last week, he spent the entire trip waving at every person who went by us in each isle. He was so happy when people waved back and it was absolutely adorable! What was supposed to be a quick grocery trip turned into a 45 minute excursion because everyone was stopping to talk to him! I loved every minute of watching him become a social being!
I also had to joy of taking him to play with his cousins Nate and Tyler last week. We went to their house to visit and usually, I stay around him helping him play with the big boys. This trip was different! He was actually playing without needing my help! It was amazing!!!! I just sat back and observed his little mind at play! I could not have been happier watching him hang with the big boys! These are the days!
I finally uploaded a picture of our shopping excursion. I am not sure if this is a wave to a fellow shopper or if he is putting his hand up so I won't take any more pictures! ;-)